écrit le 01 juillet 2013 à 17h41 dans Journal intime

You could have been

You could have been the real one, You could have been the one enough for me. You could have been the free one, Blamed and tormented. A remnant of a va ...

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Breach of promise

You say “I have under the impression you do anything to make me fool  as alway   you think it's normal to do this to me?”   hey, I prove to you ...


Sentir mieux

Encore sous ton charme  Je ne sais pas te dire non Avec se regard qui me glasse Tu a soif d'ignorance et mon coeur saigne dans mes mains Je peux me r ...


The only sweet friend

I sense there's something in the wind Je sens qu’il a quelque chose dans le vent That feels like symphony's at hand  Qui sent comme une douce symph ...